Monday, June 29, 2009

revival meeting completed///

We had 3times revival meeting days between June 27th and 28th.Pastor Kida took care the dedicated message.

We had some new commer.

One lady was my wife's friend in a internetworks.They have never seen each other.We had fantastic times and tolked many things.

She is a pastor's wife and staying in U.S.A.

The total messege point was intoroduce of Jesus'self.

Some time He is light and gate and life's bread.

I actually felt God is working in this church in message.

Pastor Kida shaked our revival.I am so happy in future it start to work out .

Thanks a lot Pasotor Kida!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

cutting the grass///

We will have a revival meeting on 27th.

One church member kindly cut the of church graund.I am lazy and I should repent.

We hold a mission meeting from Saturday on the 27th.It adjusts to it and it is supported by the service of the various persons and the prayer.Have distributed the other day, 7500 sheets of tracts from the church and it did them.By the way, the new person comes about someone and is the one to want.Recently, there are many, too, newcomers but ・・・ doesn't continue.Wish that it doesn't assume for the Pstor Kida, does a message.It is go sighnfor tomorrow.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I safely recieved ordination on May 30th Saturday.I thank God.

Many people asked question about Jesus,Bible///

Most of them finished questions,one church member said,"///Can church member ask question afteer pastors finished?"

I realized I should be ordained by the authrity of the mother church.

His question was very simple.

I thank God all the pastors recomended me to be ordained,and the Mother church agree to ordain me.

I myself became a pastor.

I will follow the responsibity of evangalizing and taking care the sheep of Lord.

Please pray for me.


without care//

My wife and me went to rose festival. The rose is blooming beartifully.She will shurunk soon. But ,some roses keep blooming with biting badly by insects.I think it is most beautiful flower in the world.She doesn't care really without care. Without care we should look at the kingdom and ritiousness of Jesus.

When my wife went to the bathroom. I was sitting on the floor for while. Some old ladys passed and told me "What happen?Are you feeling badly?"I said I was OK. I regret and repent myself the flower was without care ,but I showed bad testimony to others by tiredness.

In the church door,if we look disapoited,how others find the goodness of Jesus.

I myself should walk without care really .That is the answer from God today.