Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Meanin og the chruch

" Meaning of the church "There are various ones in the neighborhood of us.The park and the arboretum, the zoo and so onAs for us, the human being will have to create nature why or as for? it, too much, too, this world is because it is dirty.Therefore, we made various ones to leave the beauty of the nature.The god made beautiful nature.The human being learned to express it by the art.The more we are moved, the more wonderful art we invent.Therefore, our work begins how to express to do the wonderful of the god.Our church, too, is the same.If the god whom we believe is wonderful, our church, too, should be nice.We plant a church with a flower and clean it beautifully.Also, it praises a master in the applause.It sacrifices worship.It is applauding to do the wonderful of the god who becomes completely in all the ability.If supposing that Christ didn't hang over the cross if supposing that the god doesn't exist, the church will be to have gotten not to be.It is living evidence that the church is doing vividly to the god, today.Let's believe jesus!

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