Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christms meaning//

Now it is a time for beutful Chirstimas!

Towns are designed by wonderful iruminations. But saddlly house owners are non-believers.

Isn't it one chance they open the door for Chirst savior?

Some people can eat denner with white table at beutful situation and expensive present.

But ,problem is a suraside will be happened for them by no meaning Chirstimas.

Even though,present is cheap,Chistians are blessed and fullfiled with fine Holly sprit.

Only Chirstian can have a pipe beween God and human. That is Jesus who paid price by death on the cross and istead of us to be suffered.

Jesus recomended to joy when time is bad though.

Why don't you joy on time is good,which is a Christmas...

If Jesus wasn't born,we can not selebate one.

Lest us selebrate and please distribute bibe and tructs for Chistmas.

God is waitng for us to move before Christmas.


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Yuta Suzuki