Friday, July 31, 2009

If you are faith ful to God///

Lately,I had busy days.My Amerikan Dad encouraged me that If I were faithful to God,also God is faith ful to me.

This word helped me very much.

What is God's promise?

If we are faithful and follow Jesus way,that is the key of the church to grow up.

Our faith is small like a seed.But it's possibility is 100 times large.

If we keep faith ful ness ,Jesus will answer really visual way.

And he pours us blessing water.

I want a same joy water like Samarian woman.

If I were light and joy of Christian life.

I can be a tasty salt and work out in this world.Jesus,helps us as a bridge and preast between heaven and this misurable world.

I can be sanctified by Jesus love.That is our joyness.

Thank you Dad Sikma!

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