Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Back to Miyazaki Town///

I had some day off and went back to Miyazaki. I was born in Tokyo,but my wife grew up in Miyazaki (southern part of Japan).

We miracly made a trip since at that morning the airplain didn't fly through one day.Our flght just started as a bigining flight.

I am hornered to be selected guest speaker of Aya baptist church.And Non-Christian parents made to participated the survice with us. It was excellent.

We made so many friend and had happy days.

My wife said to be realized she became already Tokyo woman.

Now we are prepareing for Wednesday survice at home.

Please pray for our parents.



Monday, August 31, 2009

kids needs love///

We had Sunday school special gatehering on Aug.29th.I was really worried since most of our kids members dicided not to come before information.And we started the survice.Kids were very agressive and seems to understand how our savio died on the cross. Most of the kids raised their hands for invitation for accepting Jesus. And afterwards we eat curry viking and stards to make original photo stands. A little by little Kids comes after and after. Kids opened their hearts and eager to make their photo stands.We took their pictures and one brother Izawa printed it soon for brantirely by his new machine.

One day after,I drove the car on the street before church. So,one little girl of Sunday school passed by.She smiled and said "I want to recieve photo stand.".It took one day to dry it ,so she wanted to recieve it on Sunday but didn't make it for her schedule.I passed it to her and she said thank you. I really hope she will grow faithful Christian after.

Totally 28 were joined this festival.We were really blessed.

I really thank God.

God bless you.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

2 camps///

I finished 2camps one was Kid's camp. I teached 1st elementray grades.It was fun to play with Kids. Kids needs to play around. I really refleshed to play with them. And beatifully of Keds accept Jesus as a savior.I recived a post card from tiny kids. It was nice of him.All was blessed at camp.Host church prepared everything very well.Pastor Kida had lots of effort.When we prepare the camp people we prepare the paradice of Jesus.And another was adult camp. We drive 5 hours to the camping place.The place was very nice.I experienced to take a hot spring with the owner of it.He was very person who translated Korean at the church that I went to first and be saved.He said "love means Kiss at cheek!He was 77years old ,but still very young.I went with young people to see beautiful lake and fall.I can feel God really created the earth.He created the earth ,so we should live for Him.Many blessing was good for Sunday message.I could feel the Power of His blessing on Sunday.Please pray for Young shepard like me.thanks,Yuta.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Firewroks was beautiful///

Kumiko and me went to Tachikawa Park's big firework.

It was beutiful.

It contains varaety coulor and visual.

God showed us beutuful vision of Japan.

Only one percent of people are belive in this country.

But 200,000 people were gatherd there to watch firework.

If my church life and my surmon is coulouful like fierework.

People want something exciting and beutful and joy ful.

I want make like exciting and beartigul and joy church.

I can not do it by my self.

But I have a seed of the fire work.That is bible and God's grace.

So I don't stop .

Please pray for me to keep up evangelize of the Kokubunji church.



If you are faith ful to God///

Lately,I had busy days.My Amerikan Dad encouraged me that If I were faithful to God,also God is faith ful to me.

This word helped me very much.

What is God's promise?

If we are faithful and follow Jesus way,that is the key of the church to grow up.

Our faith is small like a seed.But it's possibility is 100 times large.

If we keep faith ful ness ,Jesus will answer really visual way.

And he pours us blessing water.

I want a same joy water like Samarian woman.

If I were light and joy of Christian life.

I can be a tasty salt and work out in this world.Jesus,helps us as a bridge and preast between heaven and this misurable world.

I can be sanctified by Jesus love.That is our joyness.

Thank you Dad Sikma!

Friday, July 24, 2009


"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.And a threefold cord is not quickly broken."

I always need a helper,sometime who is my wife sometimes one church memeber.

I really am thankful,our church memebership is so strong.When I take my mother to home by a car.Someone take care of no myself at church.

I leaned marrige is a trinity of me and wife and God.

I strongly feel safe afteer the marriage.

I really apriciated I can share the secret of life with other memebers.

Sometimes I catch the vision from my wife.

She alway say "Take it easy.Don't worry."

We trinity will work out from now to in Heaven.

On the Jesus,rock (church).I will never forget the strong trinity which is my church and me and wife.



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

my falt///

Pastor Amari had 30 aniversariy of radio "Lamp of Hope".

We enjoyed program.

At the felllowship.I was asked to say coment.But ,I forgot to say ."Congraturation!"

If we can not love Bro. and Sis. we can not love God.

I really asamed.And I realized I did not pray before speaking.

I always fell in fault without Prayer.

That is sad Japanese souls were'nt saved more. My prayer is too small .I diceded to avoid Satan from my church ,family,wife and me in one prayer.

I hope if I continue this prayer.It will work out.

Prayer is my enjoyment.

Please pray for Japan.



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

swee cakes sweet Jesus////

My wife made summer cool desart.It tasted fine. She arranged white ball and sweet topping and fruits.And icecream.I thought about people at church. White ball tasts like nothing but with sweet topping it is excesselent. And fruits tasts more tasty with others.This harmony is needed at the church. A lots of talent makes good church taste. Jesus had 9taste for Holly sprits.It were "Gatatians5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,"His wonderful point is all tast every taste is good. We human can not have it.Jesus told if we planted at good yard it will grow 100 times more. I human needs to make fine yard. And keed continue to invite seed. Some time people import seed from other countrys like far places.It contains very varaety.Happy church life is like good taste Jesus's pryer,Yuta.

Monday, June 29, 2009

revival meeting completed///

We had 3times revival meeting days between June 27th and 28th.Pastor Kida took care the dedicated message.

We had some new commer.

One lady was my wife's friend in a internetworks.They have never seen each other.We had fantastic times and tolked many things.

She is a pastor's wife and staying in U.S.A.

The total messege point was intoroduce of Jesus'self.

Some time He is light and gate and life's bread.

I actually felt God is working in this church in message.

Pastor Kida shaked our revival.I am so happy in future it start to work out .

Thanks a lot Pasotor Kida!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

cutting the grass///

We will have a revival meeting on 27th.

One church member kindly cut the of church graund.I am lazy and I should repent.

We hold a mission meeting from Saturday on the 27th.It adjusts to it and it is supported by the service of the various persons and the prayer.Have distributed the other day, 7500 sheets of tracts from the church and it did them.By the way, the new person comes about someone and is the one to want.Recently, there are many, too, newcomers but ・・・ doesn't continue.Wish that it doesn't assume for the Pstor Kida, does a message.It is go sighnfor tomorrow.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I safely recieved ordination on May 30th Saturday.I thank God.

Many people asked question about Jesus,Bible///

Most of them finished questions,one church member said,"///Can church member ask question afteer pastors finished?"

I realized I should be ordained by the authrity of the mother church.

His question was very simple.

I thank God all the pastors recomended me to be ordained,and the Mother church agree to ordain me.

I myself became a pastor.

I will follow the responsibity of evangalizing and taking care the sheep of Lord.

Please pray for me.


without care//

My wife and me went to rose festival. The rose is blooming beartifully.She will shurunk soon. But ,some roses keep blooming with biting badly by insects.I think it is most beautiful flower in the world.She doesn't care really without care. Without care we should look at the kingdom and ritiousness of Jesus.

When my wife went to the bathroom. I was sitting on the floor for while. Some old ladys passed and told me "What happen?Are you feeling badly?"I said I was OK. I regret and repent myself the flower was without care ,but I showed bad testimony to others by tiredness.

In the church door,if we look disapoited,how others find the goodness of Jesus.

I myself should walk without care really .That is the answer from God today.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

one passed away///

One of our chuch member passed away to heaven.

He was one to surve Lord sincerely.

His son suddelly came back from Koera.Actually He was born in Korea,but Japanese.It passed 20yeas since he came to Japan.

It is good to know Jesus as a savior so that we can start totally new life of Heaven. It is another start.

This life is our reharsal of heaven life.

In heaven always praising Lord.

We can feel same feeling of paradise since we praize the Lord and worship Him every moment of life and surve the smell of prayer.

This is the way we can shere the natinality of Heaven.

We continue to pray a lot of people share this gospel in Japan and whole the world.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Your rod and staff///

Jesus surely guide us with his rod and staff.

It protects us from evil thing.Sheep is easy to fall in a holl.
Then God will not punish us with His rod ,but help from holl.

His rod and staff is like two helper like a piller of truth,which is given living church.

Jisus is a head of the church.

When the church protects us ,we are so safe and smooth.

Please have a rod and staff by God for the church.So you will be comfortable.

Moses had a rod from God.

We ourselves have each one rod that is Lord's bibical words.

Prayer is smell of dedication.

We some time clean our house.So that we should clean our home and rod and staff.

I thank Jesus again today.

Friday, April 10, 2009

dinner greeting good///

One pastor invited our family.We enjoyed curry fish.

Next Sunday is Easter.

Disciples got realized He is Jesus himself when eating.

After the main dish,he pastor surved icecream.I realized he is very him.

It is nice we can share the time with eating.

We enjoyed the memory of Jesus resurection today.

Thank you pastor Shin!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

fllower in Heaven,

My freind gave me a basket of Tulip.

Lately it blooms beartifully.

I found a tiny note that it planted on Dec. 24th.

The life was born on Christmas!

This life has a lot of pain and suffer,but after we touch the goal heaven excetigly beautiful.

This tulip acknowledges me that we are at reharsal of life of heaven now.

Thank you my friend,Masahiko!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

old people's center//

in our church.

We visit old peiple's center.

SSuddnely one laday said I can't go today by some reason"

one more laday said I have to see my father.He is sick.

So we dicidet to visit by only 3persons.

God blessed especially today.

We were stuch at trafic jam.

We prayed "somebody is waiting at center.Please let us go"

We were small ,but old people were many atteded.

When I speak inviting to Jeses.

Lots of them raised hands.

We were so encouraged.

This visit is over 20years.

I pray for old people.

They are lonly,so they nead someone to visit.

We are not supposed to bring food..But we present thanks you card.with Bible massage everytime.

I hope good news came to them.

Please pray for Tama-saiseien-center.

At our lady's meeting,one altshaimer lady is attending.

Ameizeing things are she can play hums on Piano.

Olde people are poor in life

I want to cotinue praying for them

Friday, February 27, 2009

Valentain day///

My wife tries something new one in a while.

That was a Valentain.She stuired milk and made a cake. But it wes too short of Hight and doesn't look like a cake. She thinked while.

I told her if you want a Higher make it double and put on top next.

She smiled and made it.

It was a little confused ,but God answered and we enjoyed a cake.

We ate the cake and felt Job's life was totally blessed double at last seoson of his life.

We marriied and just started.

If we pray and evangelaize like idea of baking a cake.

We joyfully can move on.

Please pray for us.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Someone watching you.

God heals me really.

I quit down one day. and My haert was suffering. My wife suggested me to have a praying party. We discussed about how we are down ,why,and seeked answer to God in prayer.

Next day was Wednesday night survice. Suddendly one church member showed up ,he said today miracully company gave me a rest. I was happy to see his face was shine for the survice and sang totally for the Lord with us.

The next day was lady's meeting.Suddenly one young lady came with her child.We missed her so long lately.

I remebered I take my wife to Tokyo tower before.And memorized pictured it. When we see from top we are like insects,if we screamed from top everybody doesn't understand.

Jesus,came down from Highly Highly Heaven to tolk with us and heals us.

I thank you God today.

I am the person easily to be down,but in a prayer I can meet Jesus!

Monday, February 2, 2009

If I have?

If I have a money ,I want to surve and use for Lord.

If I have a firiend ,I want to tald and think about the Lord.

If you have a nonbeliver girl friend,please take her to the church.

Church is best place for enjoy and play and be freiendly.

Eventhough Door is closed ,our heart is alway open to welcome.

Jeses is waiting for you to knock the door.

Becarse he has a lot of tickets to heaven and wants to give you a ride together.

Knock and open church door.

We are waiting.

Spending a time for Mother ///

I mostly think of Moter will be in Church.

Do you know how she attended the church? It was happen in Philipin survice.

She was at that time lookin for the place of abroad to go out from Japan with her passport.

Pastor Shinji Amari aske me to go out for memorized semenary trip in philipin.

I secretary told my mother how about going fun out in Philipin.

She said Yes.

A little before start to leave I informed her it was missionary trip.

She said "Ok. I just enjoy trip".

She dressed up with blue Jacket and finary attended a church service for the first time in her life.

She listened Philipino special songs and many survices.

Whole her life it was her just start.

Now she is attending ,Sunday Morning and night,wednesday night.

It is about 12 times in a month.

She is happy to come since I got married with Kumiko.

Only in church Mom can meet me long.

I feel this was a plan of Jesus from the begining.

Please pray for my mother accept Christ as her personal savior.

I thank for Pastor Amari's and Philipeno people 's hot and nice hospitarity.

Someday I look forward to go again with 3 of us for mission to Philipin.



Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lord is waiting you!

Today,I brought my mother by car like always back to her house and came back home. Kumiko and I are living 2nd floor of the church. I opened the door and looked for and seeked her ,but no answer. I was amazed and ran and ran in a house. Suddenly she surprized me and showed up.

I read a story tonight. It is easy to find God ,because He is calmly waiting and seeking the timing that you touch him. He is lovely. He is not nusty. He is having fun for "hide and seek". If you gave up,He will be down and sad.

Join the game!

Lord is waiting you to have wonderful moment of meeting with Him.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pan Cake Taste like Gospel

How do you like a pan cake?

If you burn the cake you will be sad for your mistake. It is supposed to be a accident of too hot of flying cooker.

When we talk to someone about gospel,you must be careful about the tempurture of flying pan.If you too hot talking ,the person you want to tell will be burn out.But if you are too cold or meanless the preaching outing will be meanless and unsaved.

I always want to be the hot flying pann. That needs the help of the material. Healthy church makes me a good tempurture of Gospel.

Pan cake,,,,,it also needs a water.

Some time you should take unbeliver to the lake Michigan(smail).

You will be OK when you are good tempurture like Jesus is humble and long suffering.

Are you long enough to suffer like Jesus lovely daied on the Cross???

Saturday, January 10, 2009

flower on the desk///

There is one flesh flower on the desk.

I am not a person like having flesh flower on the desk.

It was a present from America of host family 2month ago.

It still blowming.

Suddenly one flower fall dawn.

I said to wife "oh No!"

She smail and said "Look !Just one start almost to bloom from just now".

I repent myself and realize to open my eyes to start something.

In Japan,many unsaved souls dieing badly.

But,look at something to bloom.

If you consentrate the smell of the prayer of church member and friends of world Christian,we will be more happy and joyfull.

Let's realize to start to bigin!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

love love new year!

Happy new year,folks!

We Japanese shops start selling luky shoping bags.

It contains secret present of much amount.

Every ladys love to buy it.Most joy ful time for them is to open the bags.

We Christian, why don't you open your alabastar box.

Let us pour donwn joyful smell of prayer for the church on new year.

I pray that every body joyfully sing gospel and preach out gospel on new year.

God bess you all.