Saturday, February 7, 2009

Someone watching you.

God heals me really.

I quit down one day. and My haert was suffering. My wife suggested me to have a praying party. We discussed about how we are down ,why,and seeked answer to God in prayer.

Next day was Wednesday night survice. Suddendly one church member showed up ,he said today miracully company gave me a rest. I was happy to see his face was shine for the survice and sang totally for the Lord with us.

The next day was lady's meeting.Suddenly one young lady came with her child.We missed her so long lately.

I remebered I take my wife to Tokyo tower before.And memorized pictured it. When we see from top we are like insects,if we screamed from top everybody doesn't understand.

Jesus,came down from Highly Highly Heaven to tolk with us and heals us.

I thank you God today.

I am the person easily to be down,but in a prayer I can meet Jesus!

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