Friday, February 27, 2009

Valentain day///

My wife tries something new one in a while.

That was a Valentain.She stuired milk and made a cake. But it wes too short of Hight and doesn't look like a cake. She thinked while.

I told her if you want a Higher make it double and put on top next.

She smiled and made it.

It was a little confused ,but God answered and we enjoyed a cake.

We ate the cake and felt Job's life was totally blessed double at last seoson of his life.

We marriied and just started.

If we pray and evangelaize like idea of baking a cake.

We joyfully can move on.

Please pray for us.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Someone watching you.

God heals me really.

I quit down one day. and My haert was suffering. My wife suggested me to have a praying party. We discussed about how we are down ,why,and seeked answer to God in prayer.

Next day was Wednesday night survice. Suddendly one church member showed up ,he said today miracully company gave me a rest. I was happy to see his face was shine for the survice and sang totally for the Lord with us.

The next day was lady's meeting.Suddenly one young lady came with her child.We missed her so long lately.

I remebered I take my wife to Tokyo tower before.And memorized pictured it. When we see from top we are like insects,if we screamed from top everybody doesn't understand.

Jesus,came down from Highly Highly Heaven to tolk with us and heals us.

I thank you God today.

I am the person easily to be down,but in a prayer I can meet Jesus!

Monday, February 2, 2009

If I have?

If I have a money ,I want to surve and use for Lord.

If I have a firiend ,I want to tald and think about the Lord.

If you have a nonbeliver girl friend,please take her to the church.

Church is best place for enjoy and play and be freiendly.

Eventhough Door is closed ,our heart is alway open to welcome.

Jeses is waiting for you to knock the door.

Becarse he has a lot of tickets to heaven and wants to give you a ride together.

Knock and open church door.

We are waiting.

Spending a time for Mother ///

I mostly think of Moter will be in Church.

Do you know how she attended the church? It was happen in Philipin survice.

She was at that time lookin for the place of abroad to go out from Japan with her passport.

Pastor Shinji Amari aske me to go out for memorized semenary trip in philipin.

I secretary told my mother how about going fun out in Philipin.

She said Yes.

A little before start to leave I informed her it was missionary trip.

She said "Ok. I just enjoy trip".

She dressed up with blue Jacket and finary attended a church service for the first time in her life.

She listened Philipino special songs and many survices.

Whole her life it was her just start.

Now she is attending ,Sunday Morning and night,wednesday night.

It is about 12 times in a month.

She is happy to come since I got married with Kumiko.

Only in church Mom can meet me long.

I feel this was a plan of Jesus from the begining.

Please pray for my mother accept Christ as her personal savior.

I thank for Pastor Amari's and Philipeno people 's hot and nice hospitarity.

Someday I look forward to go again with 3 of us for mission to Philipin.

