Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pan Cake Taste like Gospel

How do you like a pan cake?

If you burn the cake you will be sad for your mistake. It is supposed to be a accident of too hot of flying cooker.

When we talk to someone about gospel,you must be careful about the tempurture of flying pan.If you too hot talking ,the person you want to tell will be burn out.But if you are too cold or meanless the preaching outing will be meanless and unsaved.

I always want to be the hot flying pann. That needs the help of the material. Healthy church makes me a good tempurture of Gospel.

Pan cake,,,,,it also needs a water.

Some time you should take unbeliver to the lake Michigan(smail).

You will be OK when you are good tempurture like Jesus is humble and long suffering.

Are you long enough to suffer like Jesus lovely daied on the Cross???

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